The LSAT Academy Awards

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPaaron-lsat-blog-academy-awards-oscars
    The Oscars were last night, and now everyone can spend their Monday debating whether the Academy got it right. We’ll stay away from that, though it does seem that playing someone with a debilitating illness is a great way to improve your chances of winning. Rather, our agenda is to honor films (Oscar-caliber or not) for their significance to the LSAT. Instead of a red carpet, imagine a carpet made of scantrons.

    Worst LSAT Prep Advice
    This award goes to Whiplash. If you’re striving for excellence on the LSAT, it can help to have good instruction. It’s great if your instructor demands that you put in your best effort. But if your instructor ever throws a chair at your head, it’s probably time to reconsider the relationship. Logical fallacies don’t warrant violence.

    Movie Release Most Reminiscent of an LSAT Score Release
    The release of LSAT scores is typically a long and confusing process – done online, by surprise, a few at a time, on an undisclosed day, earlier than the scheduled release date. So this award can only go to The Interview.

    Thanks to the Sony Pictures hack and a spurious terrorist threat, The Interview’s regular release was cancelled. Here’s where the similarities to an LSAT score release start: Sony surprised the world by releasing the movie online on Christmas Eve. LSAT scores come out in batches over the course of a day, and The Interview came out gradually over the course of a few days: first Google Play and YouTube, then a few theaters the next day, then iTunes a few days later. The Interview is, uh, pretty unlikely to win any real awards, so it should be happy with this one.

    Plot Most Likely to Appear in a Logical Reasoning Stimulus
    This award goes to Interstellar. Space exploration has been on the LSAT a few times in the past, and it’ll probably be there again. So why not include interstellar travel and wormholes next time? I see it as a main point question, in which the right answer sounds too outlandish to be true.

    What would you nominate for the LSAT movie awards? Suggestions are welcome in the comments.

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