Supply and (Lack of) Demand: LSAC Hikes LSAT Fees

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPcolin-lsat-blog-lsac-hikes-lsat-fees
    Life just got a little more expensive.

    The cost of taking the LSAT has gone up. If you want the privilege of sitting for one of the world’s most hated tests, it’s gonna cost you $160 – a 15-percent hike. Not only that, but the Credential Assembly Service price jumped up to a cool $155. These prices are already listed on LSAC’s website, and already apply to this June’s test. LSAT fees have gone up before, but usually just by tiny amounts just to keep up with inflation. That seems fair; they can’t be expected to make the LSAT cheaper. But a big increase like this is new.

    Why did this happen? Well, as you may remember, LSAT enrollments are way down. For the last couple years, the bad economy was driving scores of college grads into the somewhat-welcoming arms of law schools, and as a result tons and tons of people were taking the LSAT. But all that finally slowed down, which means fewer and fewer people are showing up on LSAT test day. This can be good for you, as we discussed last week, since there will be fewer great LSAT scores floating around. But the downside is that LSAC isn’t getting as many of those sweet enrollment fees, and so they’re asking for more money from you, dear LSAT test taker, to make up for the loss.

    So what does this mean for you? Well that’s a stupid question. It means you have to pay more to take the LSAT, obviously. God.

    But should you be angry? Look, it always sucks to have to pay extra money. Nobody likes shelling out anything more than is absolutely necessary for just about anything. And it especially stings considering that Daniel Bernstine, the president of LSAC, earns over half a million dollars a year.

    But still, you shouldn’t be angry. The difference in cost we’re talking about is less than you spend on a Friday night trying to forget the week. Also, considering the fact that you’re going to be spending literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on law school, this ain’t that big a deal. Instead of fretting about this, spend your time studying for the LSAT. Because if you get a great LSAT score, all of the incidentals will be quickly forgotten.

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