Several February LSAT Deadlines Expire Today

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPalex-lsat-blog-february-lsat-deadlines-expire
    If you’ve got the 2013 February LSAT in your sights, then today (and Jan. 20) are important dates for you. So keep readin’, pal.

    Today is your last day to register late for the February LSAT online. Today is also your last day to change your February LSAT test center and/or your February LSAT test date by mail, phone or fax (Jan. 20 is the last day to do so online). And today is the last day to withdraw registration for the February LSAT and still get a little money back.

    Of course, all of these February LSAT deadlines come with prices. Do you want to register late? Get ready to toss an extra $69 LSAC’s way, along with the $160 they were already going to charge you. Want to change your February LSAT test center? That’ll be $35, thanks. Want to change your February LSAT test date? That’s another $80. And if you withdraw altogether, you get a measly $49 back (which means you spent $111 to NOT take the February LSAT).

    How is one to decide the significance of these February LSAT deadlines? Let’s take the least onerous fee, the LSAT test center change. This option is only really in play if the center to which you are changing makes your life easier on February LSAT test day. If it’s an easier drive, or eliminates the need for a hotel room, then there may be some merit to changing the February LSAT test center. Hell, maybe there’s a great breakfast place nearby that you want to visit on February LSAT test day. That’d be enough for me.

    A February LSAT test date change and withdrawal can be lumped together to a certain degree. They’re both going to cost you a decent chunk of change, and the decision regarding either has everything to do with preparedness. You have to be honest with yourself about whether or not you’ve studied for the February LSAT the way you’re supposed to. If you’ve done all the homework and done it with the proper techniques, then you’ve probably just got cold feet. However, if you’ve slacked off (and you know if you have), then an $80 fee (or even a $111 fee) might be less costly in the long run than posting a substandard LSAT score.

    Late registration for the February LSAT is less of an issue and would seem to apply only to those who let registration simply slip their minds as they studied assiduously for the past couple months. As long as you can find an available LSAT test center that isn’t a pain to get to, and you know you’re well prepared, then go for it. After all, the June LSAT is a way off and you don’t want to have to prepare anew.

    Good luck on the February LSAT!

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