September 2009 LSAT Blog Carnival

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • With September scores out less than a week ago, we know many of you are still experiencing PTLD (Post Traumatic LSAT Disorder). This entails obsessing about how you did, wondering how others fared, and deciding whether truck driving school is a viable career option (because who needs this bullshit, anyway).

    We can’t help you with everything, but we can give you a taste of other’s experiences on the LSAT along the lines of Matt and Colin. After diligently combing the blogosphere for the intrepid few willing to share their LSAT experience with the world, we’ve found the following:

    The 30-Something Law Student official reaction to her LSAT experience: “Meh.”

    Jen will be gearing up to take the December LSAT after a disappointing September. In consolation, her engagement photos are fabulous.

    This zer0L is pretty happy with her results. Wench. (Is that mean?)

    L’s Bubble reminds us that you can beat yourself up about your score, but after a good wallow pick up your books and kick ass in December.

    This Happy Grandma didn’t take the LSAT but we included it because it’s so gosh darn cute. And she’s mastered blogging! My grandma thinks a blog is a tree that’s really hard to cut down because of blight. Of course, she lives in eastern Washington and calls a creek a “crick,” god love her.

    If there are any other reaction posts that you’ve encountered, please feel free to share. Especially bad experiences. It’s called shadenfreude, and it’s entirely acceptable.

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