Summer … a time when the weather goes up, your responsibilities go down, and the pursuit of good times and relaxation reins supreme. Unless, of course, your plans involve applying to law school in the fall. In which case, you’ll have more on your plate this summer than the most gluttonous relative at your family cookout.
As your friends lay idly beach- or poolside with a refreshing elixir, you’ll be studying to take the September LSAT. As they debate which pop music hit will be crowned the official “Song of Summer,” you’ll be gathering letters of recommendation, writing your personal statement, and diligently researching scholarship opportunities. As everyone you know embraces the Not Doing Stuff life, your life will be full of Stuff … Stuff that can be can be difficult to understand and harder to master.
You could attempt to do all of this decidedly non-summer Stuff on your own. You could try to comprehend the arcane logical principles the LSAT tests by yourself. You could attempt to navigate the windy path of law school admissions alone. Or, you could spend a couple hours with two guys who have been down this path themselves, and have helped many others, just like you, on their paths to law school. And after spending a couple hours with these guys, you can have all the information you need to start studying for the LSAT and construct your law school application.
And, you don’t even have to meet these law school sherpas in person. That’s right. You can, from the comfort of your own home or your favorite coffee shop or wherever it is you get internet access, hear all the advice and recommendations these sage law school veterans have to offer. And getting this information is completely free. That’s because next Wednesday, May 16, we’ll be hosting webinars on the LSAT and law school admissions. Check out more information on these webinars, and RSVP to one or both them, right here.
The first webinar will focus on the LSAT, that test that they make you take to even get admitted to law school, and will be held at noon Pacific/3 pm Eastern. Led by Blueprint instructor and USC Law alum Ross Rinehart, this webinar will discuss what the LSAT is, how it’s scored, how it factors into your law school application, and how to best prepare for it. You’ll even get a taste of the test with a few practice Logical Reasoning questions and Logic Games. After the presentation, you’ll have the opportunity to ask Ross any questions you may have about the LSAT, law school admissions, or whether the Houston Rockets have a legitimate chance to beat the Golden State Warriors in the Western Conference Finals (In addition to knowing way too much about the LSAT, Ross watches way too much basketball and has some hot takes he’s ready to get off his chest). You can RSVP to the LSAT webinar right here.
The second webinar will be a deep dive into the law school admissions process, and will be held at 6 pm Pacific/9 pm Eastern. The emcee of that webinar will be Blueprint instructor and University of Chicago Law grad Kyle Gehrmann. That webinar will discuss all of the components of a law school application, how to best plan out when to start gathering your applications materials, and how law school admissions officers will assess applicants. There will even be an exercise to help you get started on the most vexing part of your application — the personal statement. Again, after you get all this info, you’ll have a chance to ask Kyle any question you have about your applications, law school, or tips on how to take your baking game to the next level (In addition to being very well-versed on law school admissions, Kyle’s a wizard with pastries and baked goods). You can RSVP to the Law School Admissions Webinar right here.
But [extreme infomercial announcer voice] wait, there’s more: If you attend either webinar, you’ll be given a discount codes good for $300 off Blueprint’s classroom course and $75 off the first month of a subscription to Blueprint’s online course. If you’re in the market to take one of Blueprint’s courses to prepare for the September LSAT — the first classes start on May 20 –you’ll be able to sign up, at a reduced price, just in time for classes to start. If that’s not the perfect start to your summer, we don’t know what is. But remember, you have to RSVP to attend and receive these discounts.