RSVP to Our Two Upcoming Webinars!

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPlaura-lsat-blog-webinar
    The beginning of November always brings to light one of the most important debates in American culture: When does the holiday season actually begin? Is it after Halloween (no), or does the season not truly start until after Thanksgiving (yes)?

    Okay, so it’s not really a debate, because the people who start putting up holiday decorations right after Halloween are flat-out wrong. And, similarly, there’s no debate over whether our upcoming free web seminars will be helpful to all the pre-law hopefuls out there!

    November 16th, 6pm-7pm PST: Law School Admissions Workshop

    If you’re reading this blog, I’m guessing that this season, you’d be really thankful for a shiny acceptance letter from your dream law school (or, better yet, a few of ’em). That’s all well and good, but the world of law school admissions can seem confusing and intimidating. Have you ever wondered how to get the best possible letters of recommendation, what in the world your personal statement should be about, or what law schools really care about (other than your LSAT score)? We’ll answer these questions and more in our law school admissions workshop.

    The workshop will be led by veteran Blueprint LSAT instructor Nick McIntosh, an LA transplant (by way of Ohio) who has been laying LSAT knowledge on students — and charming them with his baby blues — for more than three years.

    RSVP for the law school admissions workshop here.

    November 18th, 12pm-1pm PST: LSAT Seminar

    Grandpa Steve eats stuffing before cranberry sauce and after turkey, Cousin Matt always has whiskey before he eats anything else, and Aunt Susan eats pumpkin pie immediately before green beans and immediately after eating turkey. Could you use “clues” like these to figure out in what order your family eats each course (preferably in eight minutes or less)? If not, our LSAT Seminar is intended for you.

    In addition to covering what the LSAT is and how it’s factored into your law school application, you’ll be given an opportunity to practice real life LSAT problems, like the logic games above, and we’ll provide some tips to get through them as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    All of this knowledge will be served hot and fresh out the kitchen by Blueprint LSAT’s own Ross Rinehart. He’s a veteran instructor who attended USC Law prior to answering the call to pick up the dry-erase marker for Blueprint, and he would never eat the pumpkin pie before the green beans.

    RSVP for logic games workshop here.

    Although the holiday season won’t start until a couple weeks after these webinars, you’ll get a gift for attending either webinar. All webinar attendees participants will receive $300 off a live Blueprint classroom course or $75 off their first month of the online subscription. But remember, kids — you can start listening to holiday music on November 24th and not a day sooner.

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