Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. If you’re planning on choosing a law school based solely on your political affiliation, this list of the schools with the most liberal and conservative students may be of use. Above the Law

    B. But if you’re planning on choosing a law school to begin your legal career, this list the of the schools that provide the best career prospects may be of use.

    C. In one of the most twisted judicial interpretations imaginable, a Louisiana judge held that a criminal suspect’s request to an interrogating officer for a “lawyer, dog” did not constitute a request for an attorney, since the officer could have reasonably believed that the suspect was requesting that he be provided a canine admitted to practice law. Slate

    D. A lengthy discussion on how prosecutors shape the criminal justice system. Crooked

    E. Donald Trump, Jr. attempted to illustrate the dangers of socialism by threatening to take away half of his daughter’s Halloween candy. The internet pointed out the irony that he was using a child who just received a bucketful of free candy to make this point. AV Club

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