Last week on Twitter, a reader asked us what type of LSAT question is the most difficult. That’s actually a trickier question than you may think, for a couple reasons: First, there’s plenty of variation within each question type. There are easy and really hard questions among every question type. And secondly, it depends a lot on the LSAT test-taker. You probably have your own personal favorites and least favorites.
But answering tricky questions is how we roll here, so here are our contenders for the most difficult LSAT questions – and how to tackle ‘em.
The Most Difficult Type of LSAT Question I: Laura says LG rule substitution questions
You know those questions on LSAT Logic Games where it asks you to replace one of the rules in the game with a new rule that has the safe effect? Oh yeah, you remember those questions, because they’re super friggin’ tough.
What’s an LSAT student to do? First, remember that the new rule must do two things: It has to place the same restrictions as the old rule, but it also can’t add any new restrictions. Once in a while, LSAC will throw you a bone with a new rule that’s very similar to the old one. If that isn’t the case, you should go through the answer choices one by one, testing whether they add any additional restrictions and whether they preserve the restrictions created by the original rule.
The Most Difficult Type of LSAT Question II: @ZachAnderson92 says parallel reasoning questions
Parallel reasoning questions are tricky for a few reasons: They are generally way longer than other LSAT Logical Reasoning questions. They can take up a lot of time if not approached correctly; and students have a tough time figuring out what features of the argument need to be similar.
Hopefully you’re already in the habit of diagramming or making a motto for these questions – that’s what’s gonna save you time on them. Making a good motto takes practice. It should be specific enough to help you weed out wrong answers, but not so specific that it doesn’t apply to any of the answer choices. And remember that you’re looking for an argument with exactly the same number of premises that combines those premises in the same way.
The Most Difficult Type of LSAT Question III: Honorable mention goes to flaw questions
Flaw questions are a perennial thorn in the side of LSAT students because they’re extremely common on the LSAT, and finding the flaw can be very tough. By definition, in a flawed argument, the conclusion does not follow from the premises. If you’re having a hard time seeing how the premises don’t prove the conclusion, think about what evidence you would want to see and how the evidence presented doesn’t match that.
Much like pimpin’, the LSAT ain’t easy, but we feel that these question types are the worst of the worst. (Or would it be “the best of the worst”? There’s another tricky question.)
Did we miss your top choice? Let us know what it is and why. And follow the LSAT blog on Twitter, if you aren’t already!