Putting Your Tech Savvy to Use on the LSAT

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPlsat-blog-hope-technology

    G’morning, law nerds. Today we’re going to take a step back from our future profession’s reputation as traditionalist and small-c conservative and talk about technology. 🤖📱💾

    Since the introduction of the digital LSAT in June, the test has gotten a lot more technologically advanced than it used to be. Which means that it’s time to take LSAT prep online, kicking and screaming, into the twenty-first century. But what am I saying — you’re here, on a blog, looking for LSAT advice. You know that ye olde World Wide Web can be used to help in your LSAT journey. But since you’re already here, let’s get systematic about it.

    How to incorporate technology into your study habits: A brief, annotated list

    1. Learn the digital format. Love the digital format. Practice the digital format

    LSAC’s website lets users look at the general format of a question, in tutorials, and try it out with a few recent practice exams.There’s obvious value in getting comfortable with the look and feel of the exam — if you know ahead of time how to mark questions to review later and the quirks of formatting the Reading Comp passages, you won’t have to worry about figuring them out on test day itself. There’s enough things to worry about on test day itself — you don’t need to stress about how to un-highlight a sentence that isn’t as key as it seemed at first glance.

    Once you learn your way around the mechanics of the digital format, then you can start digging into the long process of practice. The more practice you do using the actual constraints of the test, the better adjusted you’ll be on test day itself.Resources like Blueprint’s own collection of old LSAT questions let you routinely work through practice that will look like the digital exam.

    2. Spreadsheets, spreadsheets, spreadsheets

    Practice is the best way to improve your LSAT score, plain and simple. But how you practice matters, too. As a tutor, I always recommend that students keep some spreadsheet records of practice sections. Noting down …

    • Prep test number
    • Number of question(s) missed per section
    • Type of question(s) missed per section
    • A quick note to yourself about where you went wrong with each question

    .. will help make sure that you’re focusing your energies in the places where you need the most help. Some cold, hard numbers will make it impossible to miss that you’re struggling with Strengthen questions, or that you’ve managed to forget the same common fallacy four times in the last two weeks.

    Nobody likes staring their weaknesses in the face. But for all that it sucks to stare right in the face of your own failings, there’s some reassurance to be had in knowing, numerically, where you can see the most improvement. Plus, it gives you someplace to start your daily studying — wherever you missed the most questions on your most recent practice.

    3. Use your phone

    You’ve got a busy life. We’re all on the go. So why not use some of the downtime that you’d usually kill on Twitter for doing a bit of self-study. There are dozens of apps that you can use to create flashcards or small quizzes. Having a ready-to-go list of indicators of necessary vs. sufficient conditions can be a great way to brush up on conditional statements without needing to devote an entire sit-down session to studying.

    4. Crowd-source some wisdom

    Don’t be afraid to ask the internet for a little bit of help. If you’ve hit a snag on a particular logic game — say, you can’t figure out how to pick which or how many scenarios to set up — you can always query Dr. Google. Decades of students worrying about the LSAT means that there’s a wealth of information to be found about how other people set up problems or picked through answers. Obviously, you’re going to want to go in with a reasonable amount of caution … superlegitlsatprep.notascam.biz is probably going to be a bit more questionable than something like, say, this very blog. But there’s no reason why you can’t benefit from the hard-won work done by others before you. LSAT prep is a journey, but you don’t have to go alone.

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