As usual, the February LSAT is coming a week after the Super Bowl. That’s a problem if you’re in the midst of LSAT prep and you had any designs on watching the big game. It’s hard to justify taking a day entirely off of studying this close to the LSAT, but then again, it’s the Super Bowl.
The answer is to compromise. Luckily for you, even if you’re on the west coast, kickoff isn’t until 3:30. You know you’re not going to actually get any studying done after the game, so get your full day of studying in beforehand. Wake up at a reasonable hour, even though it’s Sunday, and get to work. Take an LSAT practice test. Review it. Drill some of your weak areas.
Once you get that done, you can devote the rest of the day to enjoying the Super Bowl however you like to enjoy it. Eat some junk food. If you want to drink some beer, drink a little beer. Forget about the LSAT. As long as you’ve been doing your work, a real break will be good for you, and what better way is there to get your mind off the LSAT than a Super Bowl party?
While you’re there, you can keep tabs on any prop bets you may have made. (Notice just how many options to wager on Richard Sherman’s actions there are). I like Pete Carroll for first coach to be mentioned at -120. Keep in mind that any wagers placed on the Puppy Bowl are an official indication you have a gambling problem.
The one important thing is that you not overindulge in anything that’s going to linger the next morning. If you start the last week before the LSAT feeling like your head was hit by a brick, that’s not good. Moderation is your friend.
And take inspiration from the players and their film study. Whether it’s Peyton Manning changing the play at the line of scrimmage because of the defense he sees, or Richard Sherman using his knowledge of receivers’ tendencies to guide his coverage, the players in the Super Bowl will be responding to situations in the moment based on in-depth knowledge of their opponents’ tendencies. You should strive for the same for the LSAT: to know it well enough that you start to see what’s coming.