October 2010 LSAT Blog Carnival

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPlaura-lsat-blog-course-sale

    Welcome once again to our LSAT recap blog carnival. The reports we received from our correspondents throughout this great nation basically concluded that it was a ho-hum sort of test, but the slave-drivers here at MSS have me trolling the Internets looking for bloggers discussing the test.

    Anna actually enjoyed the LSAT, saying that the logic games were somewhat fun. Generally, if you’re really enjoying logic games, you’re either a crazy person, or have truly mastered the test. Hopefully Anna’s among the latter.

    Laquan Lightfoot (who has a sweet Harry Potter-esque pen name) took the LSAT in London, in a place called Ironmonger’s Hall (which has a sweet Harry Potter-esque pen name). He also has an unnatural obsession with Chipotle, which I imagine I’d share if I was ever in a place that didn’t have them on every other street corner.

    Heather took the LSAT and all and is glad it’s over, but I was mostly interested by the fact that Canadia has a Thanksgiving of its own and apparently it’s in…October. Weird.

    There are many ways to spend the time until the LSAT, but lifeisgood is choosing one of the more productive ways: staring at photos of Meerkats.

    Anyway, if anyone out there has any further reactions, or has any other interesting notes from bloggers, let us know.

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