NYC LSAT Seminar this Wednesday

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPcolin-lsat-blog-newyorkTime for some shameless self-promotion!

    For all you New Yorkers thinking about taking the LSAT, Blueprint will be having a free LSAT seminar on Wednesday, hosted by myself. We’ll be discussing everything having to do with the LSAT, including scoring, strategies, timelines, and the test’s importance in the law school admissions process (spoiler: it’s important). This is also your chance to meet a real live Blueprint LSAT instructor in all of his chiseled-good-looks glory. I’ve been teaching this godforsaken test for quite some time now, so I can answer any questions you might have. As an added bonus, everyone who shows up will be eligible for some sweet, sweet LSAT course discounts.

    Here are the details:

    Blueprint LSAT Seminar
    Wednesday 5/26 at 6:30 PM
    6th Floor Boardroom in the Hotel Pennsylvania
    401 7th Ave (in between 32nd and 33rd, right across from Penn Station)
    Discounts and Knowledge Nuggets will be served.

    Tell your friends. Tell your mom.

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