Finally, after a long wait, it will arrive. The prince score that was promised. Scores from the May LSAT-Flex will finally be released tomorrow, June 5. It’s the first official LSAT score release since March 17. And that might seem like a long time, but, literally nothing of significance happened since March 17. Nothing at all. Just a totally normal three-month period.
Or, maybe not. Time may or may not have flown by from May 18th and 19th to June 5th if you took the May LSAT-Flex exam. However, rest assured that, once you get your score back, you’ll be able to plan for the next steps in your law school journey. What might those next steps look like?
If you’re trying to apply in this extended, special-disco-version of an application cycle, then your next step is to move quickly. Hopefully, you’ve spent the time between the May LSAT-Flex and June 5 getting your application materials — your personal statements, your letters of recommendation, and your transcripts — uploaded to CAS and ready to go. If not, time to get moving on those items. Although many law schools have extended their application deadlines to accommodate the March and April LSAT cancellations, they’re still on rolling admissions. So you’ll want to apply with that great Flex score as soon as possible.
Or maybe you didn’t get that score you hoped for. And maybe that means you’ll change your plans to apply in this admissions cycle. Or maybe you always planned to apply in a future admissions cycle. At any rate, your next step probably involves thinking about when to retake the LSAT. Unless you were already signed up for them, you can’t take the next two LSAT-Flex exams in June and July (registration for the July exam just closed this Monday — LSAC probably could have planned that better). But registration for the August, October, and November LSATs in 2020 are open, as well as the January, February, and April exams in 2021. So you have some options to choose from.
Also good news: law schools are way more interested in— like, almost exclusively interested in — hearing about your highest LSAT score. So don’t worry about having more than one LSAT score on your score report. More good news: these LSAT-Flex exams aren’t counting against the limits on the number of LSATs you can take, so you don’t have to worry about those.
If you’re retaking, we imagine you’re considering taking the August 2020 exam. And we imagine you’re wondering if that’s going to be a Flex exam as well. While the August 2020 exam is still currently scheduled to be the typical in-person, five-section exam, we think the likelihood of the August exam turning Flex is pretty high. We’ve heard that LSAC will make the August exam an at-home Flex test if just one state’s guidelines still prohibit large gatherings.
We’ve been offering LSAT-Flex crash courses, covering advanced strategies—sign up for the July LSAT-Flex class now. If the August test decides to Flex, we’ll probably offer one ahead of that exam too.
But, we may also be getting ahead of ourselves. Scores still have to be released tomorrow. And we wish you good fortune on this stressful day. And while there are a million reasons why this doesn’t feel like an appropriate moment to celebrate — that this is instead a moment to focus on injustices and the need for systemic changes — we hope you can at the very least let yourself experience a moment of personal triumph. Because no matter the score you receive, you’re on a path to a career that can empower you to be part of the solution in a way that few careers can. And you deserve congratulations for that.