LSAT Instructor: My First Law School Exams

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPyuko-lsat-blog-law-school-final-exams
    Yuko Sin is an instructor and blogger for Blueprint LSAT Prep. He started as a 1L at Columbia Law School this semester, and is writing a series of law school-related posts about his experiences.

    I just took my first final exam. Contracts. I loved my Contracts class. The exam, not so much.

    The exam was open book. We had a multiple choice section, and an essay.

    Law school exams are very different from undergrad exams. On the essay portion, there was no right answer. You just had to spot the major issues, argue both sides, come to a reasonable conclusion, and stay under the word limit. In undergrad, you just get to info dump and hope for the best, or you get to check your work.

    I’m exhausted emotionally. Multiple choice Contracts questions will do that to you. It felt a lot like taking an LSAT.

    Most people are relieved. Some are drinking already. Some are getting ready for our next exam. Things seem pretty normal even though Columbia’s exam policy is in the news.

    Yesterday, about 50 to 100 protesters marched through the law school and library. There was lots of shouting and they drummed on the lockers for a while. As far as I could tell, there weren’t any law school students among the protesters.

    Today there were no disturbances, so that was great, but the exam software crashed my computer. I may have whimpered a bit.

    My next exam is Friday.

    My first semester went by too quickly. But to my great relief, reading cases and learning the law turned out to be pretty fun. I met a lot of great people, and I’m looking forward to getting my job applications out during the break.

    Until next time.

    For more of Yuko’s law school journey see:

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