Logical Reasonings, December 2010 LSAT Edition

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A) This dude apparently took the LSAT in Azerbaijan, which is where you might end up if you don’t sign up for your test center soon. Aaron Mckean.

    B) Nothing like some good old Cheeseboard pizza after the LSAT. Courting Adell.

    C) Guy gets sick the night before the LSAT, and then can’t sleep until 4. Predictably, things don’t go too well. Kumasim.

    D) This kind of highlights a big point we make at Blueprint: if you’re going to take the LSAT, take the time to prepare as well as you can. Otherwise, it’s not worth it. Zerzura.

    E) Instead of studying, this blogger decided to traipse around Europe for four months and then take the LSAT. If you have the ability to hang out in Europe for four months, why take the LSAT ever? Brenna Flynn.

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