Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A) The LSAC could not have come up with a more fallacious argument than what is printed on this billboard. Stock Journal.

    B) Dr. Shaquille O’Neal says he’s considering law school. Sorry, Shaq, but it’s going to be hard to get into a top tier law school with an MBA from the University of Phoenix. The Christian Post.

    C) If you’re applying to law school now, it’s undoubtedly stressful. But remember: In this time three years from now, you’ll be counting down until graduation. Motions Online.

    D) We should be open to all ideas on how to stop bullying, but stun guns probably aren’t the answer. CNN.

    E) Yahoo! might have ripped off its logo from a Mad Magazine cartoon from 1968. Startup Grind.

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