Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A) Last week, we gave away the first $50 in our Facebook sweepstakes. There are still two more chances to win (and three ways to enter), so hurry and sign up. Facebook.

    B) A man named Stanley Fish has some things to say about the current state of legal education. Listen to Stanley Fish. New York Times.

    C) Here are a few legal events to check out this week, including one with Porsche (that doesn’t concern speeding tickets). Wall Street Journal.

    D) A new crash test dummy is revealed for larger children weighing up to 80 pounds. The state-of-the-art dummy is the first of its kind to come standard with cheese-powdered fingertips. CNN.

    E) It’s Fat Tuesday. Get fat. Serious Eats.

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