Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A) You’d think if anyone knew about sampling fallacy on the LSAT, it would be a law school. Marquette Tribune.

    B) “Electronic tablets will make paper books in law schools obsolete within a decade.” Yes, but will law students get to class on Hoverboards or jetpacks? Law Technology News.

    C) Remember that internet thing last week with Wikipedia. The SOPA and PIPA nonsense? A lawyer explains why it was nonsense. Web Pro News.

    D) Man gets $22 million after wrongfully being imprisoned in solitary confinement. The worst part: His only reading material was Twilight novels and old TV Guides. CNN.

    E) He should be happy he didn’t have to read any of these books, including If God Loves Me, Why Can’t I Get My Locker Open? BuzzFeed.

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