A. Tomorrow is the nonpublished test center deadline, if any one wants to take the June LSAT in their own private test center. LSAC
B. Above the Law offered their weekly round-up of law school memes, including many Star Wars-themed memes just in time for The Rise of Skywalker trailer drop. Above the Law
C. After getting an F in torts, a University of Hawai’i 1L decided to sue the school. And they say law school doesn’t provide real trial experience … Above the Law
D. Law.com is taking a close look at why bar exam pass rates have sunk to all-time lows in many states. Law.com
E. A New York lawyer who held herself out as an attorney for fifteen years after she was disbarred has an galaxy-brain defense: she claims she had no idea she was suspended in the first place. ABA Journal