Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. The ABA Journal discusses the challenges many tech-savvy law school grads have entering a field that isn’t always eager to embrace new technologies. ABA Journal

    B. It’s bar exam week in many states right now, so follow the social media of recent law school grads to get an early preview of the hell that awaits. Above the Law

    C. The use of emojis in evidence in increasing exponentially — much the confusion of olds. So if you know how to interpret [large eyes] [high heels] [shoulder brush lady], you may have a place in the emerging field of emoji law. The Verge

    D. Today in They Don’t Teach You That in Your Professional Ethics Class: If the exhibit you’re presenting to court involves manipulating images to show how one would make child pornography — just don’t. ABA Journal

    E. Also Today in They Don’t Teach You That in Your Professional Ethics Class: Judges aren’t exempt from the no-bringing-weapons-into-a-courtroom rule. The Detroit News

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