A. Perhaps you’re at wits’ end trying to study for this November LSAT, and you’re cursing the name of LSAC and everyone involved in writing this tortuous exam. In that case, maybe you’d enjoy this schadenfreude. ABA Journal
B. After Trump appointed Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general following Session’s forced resignation, many began questioning whether that appointment was constitutional. Here’s an overview of those arguments. ABA Journal
C. The indestructible RBG didn’t let a little slip and fall stop her from continuing her streak authoring the Court’s first signed majority opinion of the new term. Empirical SCOTUS
D. We learned last week that Amazon was selling facial recognition software to law enforcement. Apparently Amazon is going all in on law enforcement — now Amazon will produce recordings from an Echo device in a double-homicide trial. New Hampshire Union Leader
E. Today in They Don’t Teach You This in Your Professional Ethics Class (File under: Gross, no one should have to tell you not to do that). Above the Law