A. The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program promised people that, after 10 years of work in the public sector, Uncle Sam would discharge their outstanding student loans. After 10 years … less than 1% of applicants (only 96 people!) have had their loans discharged. Law.com
B. Does that make you want to say, “Screw the public sector, I’m about my money”? In that case, here are the law schools with the highest average salaries for graduates. Big Law Business
C. Ouch. The ABA isn’t allowing former students of the recently shuttered Arizona Summit School of Law to complete their degrees at the neighboring Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at ASU. ABA Journal
D. The ABA is also bringing its wrath upon the University of Puerto Rico School of Law. ABA Journal
E. We hope everyone in the southeast can stay safe this week. NBC News