Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Hawaii is 6 hours behind Eastern Time, and about 6 months behind law school trends: the University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law will accept the GRE this application cycle. Above the Law

    B. Law students across the nation are starting a three-day walkout to protest the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, with the stated goal of pressuring lawmakers to impeach the Justice for perjury. The Chronicle of Higher Education

    C. Meanwhile, Kavanaugh had his first day at his new job, where he apparently lost a few “face offs” with his new colleges. SCOTUSblog

    D. National Jurist ponders whether there will be enough jobs for the uptick in the number of people applying to law school. National Jurist

    E. Good news on that front: the legal sector reversed a two-month trend of losing jobs, adding 1,200 jobs in September. ABA Journal

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