Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. If you’re planning on using the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program to discharge your student loans, you’ll need to come very correct with your paperwork, or wait for a more forgiving administration. Last year, the Department of Education denied 99% of the applications to the program. Above the Law

    B. Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of Berkeley Law and also of Con Law generally, gives an overview of the cases the Supreme Court will hear in its next term. ABA Journal

    C. Speaking of the Supreme Court, have you heard there’s a nomination process going on? The Senate senators have selected Arizona prosector Rachel Mitchell to question both nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Vox

    D. It’s unclear whether the second woman to accuse the SCOTUS nominee — or the third, who came forward today — will testify tomorrow. CNN

    E. Today in They Don’t Teach You That in Your Professional Ethics Class: Check to see if your mic is still on before dropping f-bombs in court. Otherwise, you might get suspended. Law.com

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