Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Last week reports emerged that Yale Law School professor Amy Chua would counsel female students interviewing for a clerkship with Judge Kavanaugh that he preferred his clerks to have a “certain look.” Chua has categorically denied these accusations. Above the Law

    B. Some Yale students don’t buy that though. Huffington Post

    C. The magazine Golf Digest helped free a New York man wrongfully convicted of murder. He had been serving time — and making detailed golf illustrations — since 1993. Golf Digest

    D. A tentative deal has been reached for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee this Thursday. NY Times

    E. Also, Deborah Ramirez, an acquaintance of Kavanaugh at Yale, has come forward to accuse the nominee of sexual misconduct in college. The New Yorker

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