Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Reserve your seat to one of the two webinars we’re hosting next Wednesday, August 22! The first will focus on law school admissions at noon PDT, and the second will provide an overview of the LSAT at 6 pm PDT. Attend either and you’ll receive a $300 discount on Blueprint’s classroom courses and a $75 discount on the first month of an online course subscription. Blueprint LSAT

    B. It’s mid-August, so people are starting law school — which is why you’ve seen so many law school advice columns ’round these parts. Here’s one more law school advice column — this one about student loans. Above the Law

    C. Paul Manafort’s defense team rested without calling any witnesses of its own, believing its attacks on the credibility of Rick Gates and other witnesses were sufficient to show that the prosecution did not reach the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. This all offense, no defense strategy is known as the Damian Lillard in legal circles. ABC News

    D. A monumental step was taken in a First Circuit Court of Appeals today: the poop emoji was used in a written opinion. Above the Law

    E. Today in They Don’t Teach You This in Your Professional Ethics Class: You can’t steal the identities of 36 ex-clients to apply for advances for litigation funding. ABA Journal

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