Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. RSVP to the two free webinars we’re hosting next Tuesday, June 12. First up is one on the law school admissions process, at noon Pacific. Later that day, we’ll have one on the LSAT at 6 pm Pacific. Attend either, and we’ll give you promo codes for $300 off Blueprint’s classroom courses and $50 off the first month of an online course subscription. Blueprint LSAT

    B. The first episode of The Jabot, one of the few legal podcasts to not focus on unsolved murders, has expert advice staying healthy and happy in law school. iTunes

    C. As a 1L, you’ll be carrying around enormous books. Like, seriously, impossibly enormous books. Here’s a list of backpacks up to the task, none of which is your cute little Fjallraven. Law Schooli

    D. (Some) Big Law firms moving the starting salary up to $190K probably sounds great to you, but here’s a little rain for your parade. Above the Law

    E. Sending a gif to give someone a seizure can be considered battery, per one federal judge. It’ll also make you the lamest mark at the prison where you’ll serve your sentence. ABA Journal

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