Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. A friendly reminder to reserve your spot for the two free webinars we’re hosting next Tuesday, June 12. We’ll tell you everything you need to know to begin studying for the LSAT or apply to law school, and we’ll give out discounts good for $300 off Blueprint’s classroom courses and $50 off the first month of an online course subscription. Blueprint LSAT

    B. Events for summer associates at some big law firms will no longer, and I quote, put the lit in litigation. ABA Journal

    C. Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky, the guy who sentenced Stanford rapist Brock Turner to a six-month sentence and then had the gall to compare that decision to Brown v. Board of Education, was voted off the bench yesterday. He’s the first California judge to be recalled in 86 years. San Francisco Chronicle

    D. Trump will appeal the court decision that the First Amendment prevents him from blocking people on Twitter. BuzzFeed

    E. Speaking of free speech, while the NFL’s anthem policy won’t violate the First Amendment, it may violate several state constitutions, according to one law prof. Slate

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