Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Seriously, last call on our tutoring sale. Until 6 pm Pacific tonight, you can get 20% off any tutoring purchase, with the promo code TUTORME20. Blueprint LSAT

    B. You still have plenty of time to RSVP to our the the LSAT and Law School Admissions Webinars we’re hosting at 12 pm and 6 pm Pacific, respectively, on May 16. If you attend either, you’ll get $300 off our classroom course and $75 off the first month of an online course subscription. But you still have to RSVP. Blueprint LSAT

    C. Thomas M. Cooley law school has been having a rough week, what with its association with alumnus Michael Cohen and headlines like “Trump’s Lawyer Went to the Worst Law School in America.” Politico

    D. Also having a bad week? University of Texas Law, whose former facilities director is under investigation for ghosting his job and gallivanting around the world. Texas Tribune

    E. Today in They Don’t Teach This in Your Professional Ethics Class: If you’re a judge, you can’t fake having panic attics to get a disability pension. ABA Journal

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