Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. A list of law schools to avoid: those with the most students who can’t pass the bar within two years of graduation. Above the Law

    B. On a more positive note, here are National Jurist’s PreLaw Magazine’s rankings of the best law school buildings in the U.S. National Jurist PreLaw Magazine

    C. The vindictive gods at the ABA are gearing up to smite the Duncan School of Law at Lincoln Memorial University in Knoxville, Tennessee. ABA Journal

    D. A Tulsa attorney is wrangling up a 100 other women lawyers to ride into the state capital find a solution to the teacher strikes in Oklahoma. Her viral Facebook post to state officials ends with the truly awesome capper, “We will be the women in black. You will see us coming.” Tulsa World

    E. Better to see the women in black coming than to not see the men in black coming: the FBI raided Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s office to find records relating to payments made to women who claim to have had affairs with Trump. NY Times

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