Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Maybe a more relevant list than the newly released U.S. News & World Report rankings? CNBC compiled the law schools whose graduates make the most 10 years after graduating. CNBC

    B. Before getting that paper, you have to actually go through the gauntlet of law school, where you have to tough things like party in New Orleans during a moot court competition. Above the Law

    C. Or, instead of making tons of money, you could be a law professor! Here, an anonymous law professor muses on the murky future of legal scholarship. Above the Law

    D. If you do become an trial attorney though, you can get pointers from almost instantly forgotten movies that came out six months ago. ABA Journal

    E. No matter what, go above and beyond what is expected, like paying for a $25,000 video of your client taking a lie detector test, in which she admits to having an affair with POTUS. Wall Street Journal

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