A. After the top 50 were leaked on Tuesday, and the top 100 were leaked yesterday, the full U.S. News & World Report 2019 law school rankings have finally been unveiled. Spivey Consulting
B. The Penn law professor who said very idiotic things about her African-American students in very public forums will no longer be teaching required classes. Washington Post
C. The Harper Lee estate, after already butchering his image in Go Set a Watchman, is suing to stop Aaron Sorkin’s play from depicting Atticus Finch in manner contrary to the novel’s spirit. Is this going to hurt Atticus’s run in our Law Madness tournament? NY Times
D. There’s a new national legal nonprofit that puts law students into paid internships, to help them see legal principles in the real world. ABA Journal
E. Never stop being you, Hartford guy who stole a car to get to his court hearing … where he was being charged with stealing a car. Hartford Courant