Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A) Reminder: With the impending arrival of the October LSAT, Blueprint classes for the December exam will begin soon (some as early as October 1). Blueprint LSAT Prep class schedules.

    B) Why aren’t law grads finding work? Well…it’s hard to fill an 8-ounce glass with 10 ounces of water. Balkinization.

    C) The ABA wants more proof when it comes to law students claiming Native American citizenship. At least for anyone not named Dances With Jurors. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

    D) Consumers are taking food companies to court over inaccurately labeling products “all natural.” Meanwhile, hotdogs remained unscathed thanks to the tried-and-true marketing method of labeling their packages “kinda natural.” Wall Street Journal.

    E) SEGAs are on sale for $122.99 in this Best Buy Sunday ad from 1996. BuzzFeed.

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