Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Things are going great in Puerto Rico apparently, with Trump jump shooting rolls of paper towels to a crowd. Sure, just use those to mop up the remnants of a hurricane. NY Times

    B. Trump may soon be tossing out termination papers to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who reportedly called Trump “a moron.” Politico

    C. Trump isn’t the only one throwing paper around: Ivanka and Donald Jr. reportedly avoided fraud in New York charges after their attorney slid an envelop of cash into the campaign headquarters of the New York D.A. Propublica

    D. For special counsel Robert Mueller’s ever-growing legal team, they now have a guy researching “pre-emptive pardons,” just in case Trump tries to paper over any criminal wrongdoings from his campaign. ABA Journal

    E. At least you can still save some paper — next week we’re offering 20% off all tutoring purchases. Blueprint LSAT

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