Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Jeff Sessions called for a “national re-commitment to free speech” on college campuses. Students and faculty at Georgetown Law responded by protesting his speech (which, allegedly, they were not allowed to attend). Buzzfeed News

    B. Sessions isn’t the only one infantilizing law students. A law professor made a coloring book to help students understand Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. Above the Law

    C. Lawyers, even experts, can be treated like children too. Jared Kushner’s attorney was recently the victim of a pretty puerile (but kind of funny) email prank. Business Insider

    D. College basketball, however, is not all childish fun and games. Bribery charges were brought against college basketball assistant coaches today. These accusations stem from a federal probe into bribery and collusion in college basketball. NBC News

    E. Up in the Supreme Court, the justices postponed oral arguments in the travel ban case and asked the parties to determine whether the case is moot in light of the new permanent ban implemented this weekend. NY Times

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