Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Just a few hours left to take advantage of our summer tutoring sale. 20% off all tutoring purchases with the promo code SUMMER20 before until tonight at 6:30 pm PDT. This is the last time we’ll be offering this sale before the September LSAT, so don’t miss out! Blueprint LSAT

    B. A group of law professors weigh in on what special counsel Robert Mueller impaneling a grand jury in D.C. means for the investigation into Russia’s interference with the 2016 election. The consensus? This is routine practice in investigations, he probably needs the jury’s subpoena power, but the fact that he is using a second grand jury–in addition to the one already in Virginia for the investigation into Michael Flynn–may suggest that he has significant evidence beyond just Flynn. Vox

    C. Meanwhile, the Justice Department is moving right along with hard-line policies on drug sentencing and immigration, and with an investigation into leaking from the White House (but alas not that kind of leaking). NY Times

    D. And the White House is having some success filling the federal courts with judges, just recently nominating ten new ones. Washington Times

    E. Finally, one big law firm is out here offering signing-bonuses to 1L summer associates like they’re first-round NFL draft picks. Hopefully your weekend is as prosperous as these newly flush law students. Above the Law

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