Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Wondering how the LSAT prepares you for law school. USNWR has some takes. US News & World Report

    B. Howard University found one of its law school professors guilty of sexual harassment for a final exam question involving … well … maybe we shouldn’t say? Inside Higher Ed

    D. ATL gives some advice to upcoming 1Ls. Above the Law

    D. It can be tough out there for young lawyers, but one way to get ahead in the legal word is to have ties to the Kremlin and then promise the children of a presidential candidate that you have dirt on the opposition. NY Times

    E. Like a gambling addict pulling out a crumpled old bill to get one more pull of the slot machine’s lever, Mitch McConnell will pull out another health care bill this week. Washington Post

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