A. World leaders are throwing enough shade at Trump’s decision to exit the Paris climate agreement to solve this global warming problem once and for all. CNN
B. The DOJ filed urgent petition asking the Supreme Court to review the 4th Circuit’s decision to block the Trump’s travel ban. So it looks like that case will most likely, as Trump’s tweets have long demanded, wind up in SCOTUS’s hands. NY Times
C. Before anyone could get around to criticizing Above the Law’s ranking of the 50 top law schools in this great nation, the good folks at Above the Law did so themselves. Above the Law
D. The hot new trend at commencement ceremonies this year is holding separate “diversity commencements” for different student constituencies and communities. NY Times
E. ESPN basketball announcer Jeff Van Gundy lost his mind when Rihanna walked by him during game 1 of the NBA Finals last night, seemingly forgetting that there was a game going on. The internet clowned him. June LSAT test takers: Don’t let any Rihannas distract you from your studies this weekend. The Undefeated