Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Still time to register for the two webinars we’re doing on Wednesday, May 31! Veteran Blueprint instructor Branden Frankel will give you the low down on all things LSAT from 12-1 pm PDT, and then give an overview of the law school admissions process from 6-7 pm PDT. And, being the generous soul he is, he’ll also hook you up with a $300 discount on our live, in-person class and a $75 discount on the first month of our online course subscription. So why haven’t you registered yet? Do you hate knowledge? Discounts? Get your act together and register at the link right here! Blueprint LSAT

    B. After body-slamming a reporter, Greg Gianforte body-slammed Montana’s body politic and won the state’s sole House seat, which was vacated by Ryan Zinke, who now serves as Secretary of the Interior at the White House. Time

    C. Justice Kennedy may be considering retirement, so here are some musings on what that might mean for the future of the Supreme Court. Slate

    D. As the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia increases, investigators are now looking into some meetings Kushner had with a Russian ambassador and banker. Washington Post

    E. Oh and Kushner allegedly tried to set up secret communications with Russia. May your weekend be as fun and productive as Jared’s lawyers’ weekends are stressful and laborious. Washington Post

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