Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. You can still register to attend the two webinars we’re doing on Wednesday, May 31! The first, from 12-1 pm PST, will go give an overview of the LSAT: what it is, how it’s scored, how it’s weighed in the law school admissions process. You’ll even get to do some practice problems. The second, from 6 to 7 pm PST, will walk you step-by-step through the law school admissions process. There will be a Q&A portion after the event, where our instructor Branden Frankel will answer any questions you have about the LSAT, law school, or his sci-fi novel Snowfall on Mars. Plus, if you attend, you’ll receive a $300 discount on our live, in-person class and a $75 discount on the first month of our online course subscription. Register to the right! Blueprint LSAT

    B. Trump dropped his budget requests on Congress today. He’s requesting massive cuts to things I think we all agree have never helped anyone or anything, like scientific and medical research and disease prevention programs. Washington Post

    C. British police have identified the suspected suicide bomber who detonated bombs at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. Although ISIS claimed responsibility, there is no current evidence that links the suspect to the terror group. CNN

    D. Before removing a statute of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, New Orleans mayor Mitch Landrieu gave a speech rebuking the preservation of confederate symbols. Vox

    E. U.S. News & World Report published a list of law schools with the least-indebted graduates. They are mostly mid-tier (and lower) schools in areas where the cost of living is practically free, but still worth a look. U.S. News & World Report

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