Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Reserve your spot to one (or both!) of webinars we’ll be putting on on Wednesday, May 31! From noon to 1 pm PST, Blueprint instructor Branden Frankel will provide a complete overview of the LSAT—what it is, how it’s scored, how it’s weighted in the law school admissions process, how to do some practice problems. And then from 6 to 7 pm PST, Branden will take you through the law school admissions process. The knowledge provided in this webinar double feature is truly priceless, but we’ll also be giving out $300 discounts on our classroom course and $75 off the first month of our online course subscription. All you have to do to attend is register at the link to the right! Blueprint LSAT

    B. V. relevant to those pursuing a career as a public interest lawyer: DeVos and Trump just dropped a budget proposal that ends the public-service loan forgiveness program. Washington Post

    C. The DOJ is taking a very draconian approach to regulations on immigration attorneys. It’s using these regulations to target non-profits that provided representation to those affected by the travel ban. The argument is that these non-profits are providing counsel to people in immigration proceedings without committing to full representation, violating the rules. The Nation

    D. Anthony Weiner had a tough day in court. He pled guilty to sexting with an under-aged teen and, probably unrelated, his estranged wife filed for divorce. LA Times

    E. WaPo just reported that now the investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign is probing an unidentified “senior white house official” as a significant person of interest. And the weekend-long speculation as to who that official is shall begin. Washington Post

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