Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. They do everything different in England. They call transactional attorneys solicitors, litigators barristers, and judges magistrates. And now they’re going to let people practice law without a degree, provided they pass a competency test. Forbes

    B. Following the complete pandemonium of Fyre Fest 2017 this weekend, Ja Rule and his business partner are being hit with a $100 million class action lawsuit. Uproxx

    C. SCOTUS just ruled today that Miami can proceed with its lawsuit alleging that Bank of America and Wells Fargo engaged in discriminatory lending practices by offering riskier home loans minority borrowers than it had to white customers. Now the lower courts will decide whether there’s enough connection between these lending practices and Miami’s financial problems relating to the housing market to hold the banks liable. SCOTUS Blog

    D. The zombie Trumpcare bill lives to see another day, now with more promises from the White House. Bloomberg

    E. Those studying logical fallacies for the LSAT might do well to check out Bret Stephens’s first op-ed piece for the NY Times, where his entire argument rests on a pretty mighty false equivalency. NY Times Op-Ed

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