Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Without editorializing, here’s a list of the law schools with the highest percentage of unemployed recent graduates. Above the Law

    B. Donald Trump released a list of 11 white people he’d nominate to the Supreme Court, one of whom has relentlessly bashed him on Twitter. In case you’re wondering, there is no other list. The Hill

    C. The verdict is in: Spiderman is the most popular comic book superhero. Namor the Submariner could not be reached for comment. News Everyday

    D. George Zimmerman, unrepentant sack of garbage that he is, appears poised to make nearly $140,000 off the gun he used to kill unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin. This comes just days after taunting Martin’s parents. Seriously, can someone please hurl this a-hole into the sun? CNN

    E. Were you on LinkedIn four years ago? You may want to change your passwords if you haven’t since then. US News & World Report

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