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Logical Reasonings

A. Don’t forget– 30 days free online access when you enroll in our online course using promo code FEBFREE at checkout. Hurry! It ends Friday! Blueprint LSAT

B. New Hampshire feels the Bern! And the… Don? Trump-sizzle? Whatever. Trump won. Let the bragging begin. FiveThirtyEight

C. The University of Arizona Law School has opened a satellite location in Qingdao, China. Arizona Daily Sun

D. In the ever-worsening news surrounding the once-thought harmless Zika virus, a Brazil study links Zika to eye damage in babies. Get lost, Zika! The New York Times

E. And finally, in news of the ohdeargodnomakeitstop variety, a 12-year-old Indian girl has a COLONY OF ANTS IN HER EARS. Unfortunately, there’s video. CNews