Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham has announced that he is suspending his presidential campaign, which, it would seem, implies that he was running for President at one point. Huh. The New York Times
    B. Okay, Hello Kitty weirdos, this one’s for you: The official Hello Kitty website has been hacked and your data has been compromised. She has no mouth, by the way. Just sayin’. The Daily Beast
    C. A consortium of 200 or so law schools has bought Lawyer Metrics, a company that uses big data to help law firms make HR decisions. ABA Journal
    D. Kim K. has an app with a bunch of emojis that fit situations that the current panoply of emojis doesn’t cover. How many times have you said to yourself, “If only I had a selfie emoji…”? People
    E. Star Wars made tons of $$$. Forbes

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