Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. We here at blueprint just cannot wait until President Putin and President Trump going shirtless horseback riding together. Washington Post
    B. Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli – the dude who got rich in part by making life saving drugs too expensive for those who need them – has been arrested. Planet earth is currently celebrating. New York Times
    C. In yesterday’s Logical Reasonings, we informed you that law school enrollments continued their decline last year. Here’s a little more detail on the disclosures released by law schools on Tuesday. Above the Law
    D. The ten must-have apps, as ranked by Mashable. One is a zombie-themed fitness app (yep). Mashable
    E. Why on earth did it take twenty years to get a spin-off of Full House? People Magazine

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