February LSAT Predictions

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • Hello, and welcome to the February 2023 LSAT Predictions! With the test right around the corner, here are some tips and insights as to how to approach the test and what to expect.

    Logical Reasoning

    In many ways, logical reasoning is all about keeping your forward momentum going and having a strategy for how to deal with particularly tricky questions or answer choices. If you ever find yourself stumped after reading and re-reading a given question, don’t be afraid to skip it and move on! Each question is only worth one point, so spending an inordinate amount of time on any one question generally doesn’t pay off, particularly since those questions you tend to take the most time on are the hardest as well. If you find yourself stuck and unable to figure out the solution to a question after a couple of minutes and don’t have another way of approaching that question, make your best guess and move on.  

    If you’re picking a couple of question types to review during this last week leading up to the test, go for strengthen, weaken, and necessary. These have been extremely common on recent tests and test a lot of skills at once (analyzing arguments, identifying flaws, operating on flaws).  A common mistake many test-takers make when working in the operation family is trying to operate without understanding what the argument was trying (and failing) to do in the first place. So make sure to spend that time up front understanding the argument and the flaws before operating on those flaws.  

    Reading Comprehension

    On recent LSATs, test-makers have disproportionately focused on antithesis passages with two viewpoints opposed to each other. You’ll likely have 2 or 3 of these passages on test day, so make sure to pay close attention to the different viewpoints presented, which parts of those viewpoints the author adopts or rejects (if any—the author could just be neutral or absent), and why there is a disagreement between the different camps. The more viewpoints in a given passage, the more the questions will focus on those viewpoints, so make sure to delineate where the discussion of each viewpoint occurs and the main takeaways.  

    You’ll also get exactly one comparative passage (passage A and passage B), which focuses on the relationship between the two passages as a whole. Nearly every question will test you on what passages agree or disagree on, so make sure to keep track of those overlapping and distinct concepts as you read through the passages (particularly passage B).  

    Logic Games 

    On recent tests, the LSAT has generally had two ordering, one grouping, and one combo game to make up the section. With a few exceptions, you can generally expect the first game in the section to be relatively easy, with difficulty tending to increase over the four games. The LSAT has also gravitated toward including tiered ordering games as one of the ordering games, so if you encounter such a game, make sure your setup has space for all of the variable sets in distinct tiers so you can keep track of those rules independently as well as rules connecting or combining tiers.  

    Something that’s thrown some test-takers for a loop on recent tests are unusually worded intros that seem to be adding brand new elements they haven’t seen before on prior tests. The LSAT does like to throw wrinkles on certain games, but with the exception of neither games (which are exceedingly rare on the LSAT), pretty much every wrinkle boils down to some sort or ordering or grouping rule or restriction. So if you do encounter a strange element on a game that seems unlike what you’ve seen in the past, try to figure out its impact on the order or grouping within a game or its relationship with the other rules presented to you and then translate those unusual elements into what you’re familiar with. The good news is that if you can conceptualize the setup and strange element for these games, the questions themselves tend to be relatively easy.

    Final Thoughts

    This last week is all about reviewing and finalizing your strategies for test day. How many questions, passages, and games do you want to tackle to set yourself up for success? What are you anticipating to see in answer choices for different question types?  can do some lower difficulty practice with question, passage, and game types you want to review, but avoid those harder questions so you don’t wear yourself out heading into test day. Just remember that the LSAT tends to be fairly formulaic so even if something seems novel or new, you can likely tie it back to strategies and approaches you’ve applied on past questions while studying for the test.