Here are Blueprint LSAT Prep, we know times are stressful right now. You just started preparing for the June LSAT, all your friends are enjoying the start of spring, and worst of all, you didn’t win Warren Buffet’s billion dollars.
Unfortunately, things only get more stressful as you pursue a career in law. In fact, lawyers have such a rough job, there’s an entire day called “Be Kind to Lawyers Day.” And yes, it’s today.
To celebrate, Blueprint LSAT Prep is being kind to future lawyers by giving away a free t-shirt to whoever writes the best (i.e. funniest) caption for the photo above. Just comment below (limit one entry per person) with a clever caption (ideally, one that is law-related), and we’ll announce a winner on Friday.
You don’t want to miss out on one of Blueprint LSAT Prep’s awesome shirts, so get to submittin’!
We’ll see you back on the LSAT blog Friday.