Coming Soon: Winter classes for the Feb LSAT!

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPaaron-lsat-blog-winter-classes
    The February LSAT is coming up and Blueprint classes are starting soon. The February LSAT is your last chance to take the LSAT if you want to start law school in 2018, so it’s time to get moving if that’s your goal.

    However, February LSAT scores come out too late for some law schools, which brings us to another great thing about the February LSAT: if you take it, you’ll be super early for the next cycle. If you take the February LSAT you’ll be done with the LSAT before you even have to begin to think about the rest of your application. Or alternatively, if you know you’d like to spread out your LSAT studying, you can take a class for the February LSAT and then you have a few months to refine everything before the June LSAT. And if you take the June LSAT, you’re still early for the next cycle.

    It’s also your last chance to take the February LSAT, maybe ever. Starting next June, the LSAT will be offered six times a year. There’ll be a January LSAT and a March LSAT but no February LSAT. If you’ve always wondered about the mysterious, undisclosed February LSAT, now’s your chance.

    Blueprint classes start next week, not long after your Thanksgiving food coma will wear off. If you sign up, you’ll get more than 100 hours of class time. You’ll be spending that time with an amazing instructor who’s scored in the 170s and passed a rigorous training process. Your homework will adapt to you, to make sure you’re practicing just the right stuff. And you’ll have access to every released LSAT question, with explanations, plus myriad drills to help you nail down all those tricky concepts.

    The average score increase for Blueprint students is 11 points from their first practice test to their best one. That’s the difference between, say, Hastings and Chicago. We’ll also guarantee that your score goes up. Don’t wait too long, though. In two weeks, classes will be under way and you don’t want to be left sitting and watching as your friends prepare for the last-ever February LSAT.

    Here’s the list of all of our classes starting soon!

    Bay Area:

    Berkeley: Starting Sunday, 12/3 with instructor Aaron Cohn

    Los Angeles:

    Downtown LA: Starting Thursday, 11/30 with instructor Kyle Gehrman
    Northridge: Starting Saturday, 12/2 with instructor Branden Frankel
    UCLA: Starting Saturday, 12/2 with instructor Spencer Robbins

    Orange County:

    Irvine: Starting Thursday, 11/30 with instructor Ross Rinehart

    San Diego:

    San Diego: Starting Saturday, 12/2 with instructor Xander Nabavi-Noori


    Miami: Starting Saturday, 12/2 with instructor Daniel Gonzalez


    Chicago: Starting Saturday, 12/2 with Cory O’Brien

    Washington D.C.:

    Washington, D.C.: Starting Saturday, 12/2 with instructor Maria LaBella

    New York:

    New York 1: Starting Saturday, 12/2 with instructor Brett Donaldson
    New York 2: Starting Sunday, 12/3 with instructor Kevin Lin

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