As Enrollments Remain Low, At Least One Law School Is Closing Its Doors.

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPProbert-lsat-blog-choose-law-school

    There are too many law schools in the USofA today. They are taking too many students, and charging too much money, to too many people who will never be able to payoff their law school debt with money earned in the legal profession. In the wake of the White House’s crackdown on for-profit colleges, I’m curious to see if we might see the discussion turn towards law schools in the near future.

    Of course, in light of the Department of Education being turned over to the administration of an unscrupulous orangutan who himself perpetrated one of the most illegitimate for-profit college schemes to date, we may not see them operating as the vanguard of unsophisticated consumers in these next four years. But I digress.

    Indiana Tech! Indiana Tech is among those law schools, referenced above, that should make your eyes be like o_0 After enrolling only thirty students in their inaugural year of 2013, they were denied accreditation in 2015 before receiving provisional accreditation earlier this year. Just recently, thirteen of the twenty students from the school’s first-ever graduating class (which, you’ll notice, means a 33% attrition rate) took the bar exam. Three passed.

    This the school did two weird things, in quick succession. They enrolled their largest class to date and then, on Halloween, announced that actually, instead, they’re closing.

    So I try to consider some triage here. On the one hand you feel for the professors. Poor sympathetic geeks who were lured to Indiana, of all tragic locales, to sharpen little legal minds and who are now out of a job. But worse, what of the children? Poorer (financially, cuz loans and things) geeks left clutching a hapless third of an illegitimate law degree. Also they, too, are stuck in Indiana, most likely, which, really, remains the most heart-wrenching thing about it all.

    Could this be a trend for sketchy schools in the coming years? Inchoate Indiana Tech was compelled to close by its crushing debts and poor enrollment prospects, but will longer-standing institutions be so willing to go quietly? Might we first see more of the last decade’s ugly, deceptive practices? Leave a comment with your thoughts below!

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